Banu Haqim Pride logo Fleece Blanket - 60x80
20% of sales of our Pride merch goes to The Trevor Project, dedicated to to end suicide among LGBTQ young people.
Luxurious, silky, cozy, ideal for snuggling; Thickness: 0.6 cm
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Banu Haqim Pin
This is part of our new range of pins; they are larger (2 inches across) and more detailed, and also feature some new artwork where applicable.
An engraved and enameled pin...

Banu Haqim Button
A traditional button pin with a updated new background design for the Banu Haqim clan logo.1.25 inches diameter.

Banu Haqim iron-on patch
Stunning iron-on patch featuring the Banu Haqim clan symbol in relief (these are beautiful 3D patches you can feel as well as look at).Thick Rubberised cloth, iron-on backing.3 inch diameter.Iron on...