
Vampire Legacy Errata


The following list provides corrections and updates to the rules published in Mind’s Eye Theatre: Vampire The Masquerade from By Night Studios. This information supersedes the material found in that book. 


Terminology, In-Character Lexicon, Promise, page 22: Alter the text to read: “Promise, the: A specific bargain made between the Giovanni clan and the Camarilla in 1528.”


The Red Star and the Week of Nightmares, page 34: Update the reference to Al-Ashrad leaving the mountain to read: “One of the clan’s foremost sorcerers, Al-Ashrad, took a splinter faction composed mostly of Viziers and escaped the mountain.” 


Quick-Start Character Creation Guide, page 85: Under Step Nine, spend initial XP: Move the list of disciplines after “Purchase additional dots of your in-clan disciplines” to follow “Purchase up to 3 dots in common out-of-clan disciplines.” That list is not meant to define your in-clan disciplines.

Herd background, page 103: In the sentence “Characters with the Herd background do not have to spend a downtime action feeding each month,” replace “month” with “game.”

Retainers background, Discipline Specialty, page 105: Remove the word “ghoul” from this sentence: “Ghoul Retainers may use one (and only one) of their specialties to learn a discipline that is in-clan for their domitor.” Characters who have access to vampiric or ghostly retainers may give their underling a discipline specialty.

Generation background, pages 100-101: Change all references to “…and can spend that Blood at a rate of…point[s] per round” to read “…and can spend that Blood at a rate of…point[s] per turn.” Similarly, change the header of the fourth column in the Generation Chart to read “Blood/Turn.”

Retainer background, Retainer Finishing Touches, page 105: Change “…can spend 1 Blood per round,” to read “…can spend 1 Blood per turn.”

Step Ten: Finishing Touches, page 108: Change “…Blood per round” to “…Blood per turn.” 


Horrid Reality, page 125: Update the phrase “Spend 1 Blood and expend your standard action…” to read “Spend 1 Blood and a simple action…”Fear the Void Below, page 127: Modify the following line: “If the effects of Fear the Void Below remove a character’s last point of Willpower, leaving her at 0, …” to read “If the effects of Fear the Void Below cause a character to lose Willpower when she has no remaining Willpower, …”Mesmerism, page 133: Insert the following text above the last paragraph as follows: “Mesmerism cannot be used to prevent a character from using a discipline, although it can be used to prevent a victim from acting in certain ways. For example, you cannot use Dominate with the command ‘Stop using Celerity,’ although you can Mesmerize a target by saying ‘Stop attacking me.’”

Shape of the Beast, Focus [Wits], page 155: Add the following text to last paragraph before the bullet points to read: “When you choose your fight form, you may apply one of the following templates as appropriate for the animal you choose, in addition to the standard bonuses and detriments of the wolf template.”

Thanatosis, Necrosis, page 165: Add the following line to the end of the power’s description, before the focus: “Necrosis cannot be used with other powers that require you to touch or grapple your target.”

Necromancy, Bone Path, Death’s Puppetry, page 176: Add the following line: “While possessing a zombie, you cannot spend Blood points, but can use the zombie’s Fortitude and/or Potence.”

Necromancy, Ash Path, Ex Nihilo, page 178: Add the following sentence, after the last paragraph: “While in the Shadowlands, you cannot use powers (including Necromancy powers) on targets in the real world.”

Bastone Diabolico, page 184: The line “The Bastone Diabolico deals 2 normal damage” should be changed to “The Bastone Diabolico deals 1 normal damage”.

Thaumaturgy, Path of Blood, Blood of Potency, page 188: Change the following text: “…your Blood pool increases to half again its normal size (rounded up)” to read: “…your maximum Blood pool increases to half again its normal size (rounded up).”

Thaumaturgy, Path of Blood, Theft of Vitae, page 189: Add the following line to the end of the power’s description: “You may use Theft of Vitae on consecutive turns even if you fail a challenge. This is an exception to the rule that prevents you from immediately reattempting a Mental challenge on the same target.”

Thaumaturgy, Path of Conjuring, Reverse Conjuration, Focus [Perception], page 190: Modify the first line under “Focus [Perception]” to read “You can use a simple action to determine if an object within your line of sight is natural or conjured by Thaumaturgy.”

Thaumaturgy, Movement of the Mind, Flight, page 197: Add the following sentence to the end of the System section: “Because Flight is a Mental power, it cannot be used to move during Celerity rounds.”

Machine Blitz, page 205: Change “Use your standard action…” to “Spend 1 point of Blood and use your standard action…” In addition, change “…stops any machine more complex than a rope and pulley” to read “stops any machine more complex than a standard firearm.”

Blood Contract, page 209: Replace the word “implicitly” with the word “explicitly.”Elder Dominate, Tyrant’s Gaze, page 216: Add the following sentences at the end of the System section: “Tyrant’s Gaze cannot reverse permanent physical alterations. For example, Tyrant’s Gaze may be used to rob a target of the ability to use Heart of Darkness or Fleshcraft, but it cannot undo existing instances of Fleshcraft or return a removed heart.”

Techniques, Animal Swarm, page 225: Replace the entirety of the text in the System section with: “When you activate Shape of the Beast, you may choose to turn into a swarm of animals instead of one creature. You transform into slightly smaller versions of the same animal you would normally become by using Shape of the Beast. If your Shape of the Beast allows you to turn into a bat, you can turn into several smaller bats using Animal Swarm.
This swarm consists of one animal for each dot of Celerity you possess. Elder powers and Celerity-based techniques do not increase the number of animals created by Animal Swarm. Each animal can act independently and can take one simple and one standard action each turn. While using Animal Swarm, you cannot spend Blood and lose access to all other powers. Even powers that were activated before using Animal Swarm stop functioning while in this form. Activating Animal Swarm does not reverse permanent physical alterations. For example, if your heart is removed it will not reappear when you activate this power.
Each of your animals has your Mental attribute, Social attribute, focuses and skills. By default, these animals inflict 1 point of aggravated damage with a successful Brawl attack. If your character possesses any Potence powers, your animals’ attacks are armor-piercing and inflict 2 points of aggravated damage. Each creature has 5 health levels (1 Healthy, 2 Injured, and 2 Incapacitated). Your merits, flaws, and powers do not affect the health levels of your animal swarm. If your character possesses any Fortitude powers, each of your animals automatically negates 1 point of normal or aggravated damage each time they suffer damage. If your animals attempt to retest in combat, each animal must spend Willpower separately; they use your Willpower pool to do so.
While swarming in your flight form, each animal gains a +1 bonus to Dodge-based defensive test pools and can fly at your normal movement speed. In flight form, your Physical attribute is considered 1 when you are attacking.
While in fight form, each of your animals has a Physical attribute equal to half of your own Physical attribute (round up). Other bonuses from Shape of the Beast do not apply while using Animal Swarm.
Animals created by Animal Swarm can separate and perform individual tasks, but must remain within one mile of each other. You can use a standard action to return to your human form at the location of any animal created by this power. When you revert to human form, you automatically reabsorb any of your animals that are within your line of sight. Animals not within your line of sight crumble at the same moment, turning into ash. When Animal Swarm ends, you take 2 points of aggravated damage for each animal that was destroyed, 1 point of aggravated damage for each animal that was injured or incapacitated, and you lose 2 Blood for each animal that was outside of your line of sight when you reformed. Damage taken from reverting to human form cannot be reduced or negated, but may not kill your character (although it may result in torpor). If all of the animals in a swarm are destroyed, the power’s user dies.
Animals created by this power are considered to be one entity for the purpose of powers that modify an individual’s behavior. If one animal is Dominated, all of the animals in the swarm suffer the effects of that power. If one animal cannot break an individual’s Majesty, none of the animals in the swarm can attack that individual.

Techniques, Echo Psychosis, page 227: Add the following line to the end of the System section: “Using Passion or Haunting through Echo Psychosis does not break your Majesty.”

Techniques, Retain the Quick Blood, page 231: Change “Blood recouped with Retain the Quick Blood does not count toward your maximum Blood expenditure per round” to read “Blood recouped with Retain the Quick Blood does not count toward your maximum Blood expenditure per turn.”



Overview, page 235: Add the following paragraph at the end of the Overview section: “Any merit effect that requires the expenditure of Blood counts as a supernatural power. For the purpose of powers like Possession, clan-specific merits count as 1-dot in-clan powers; general merits are not considered in-clan. It is possible to lose access to part of a merit without losing access to the entire merit. For example, while using Possession, a Giovanni’s wraith Retainer will not disappear, but without the proper focus, the Giovanni may not be able to spend Blood to summon it.”

Overview, page 235: Add the following paragraph at the end of the Overview section: “Merit effects that alter a character’s physical form (permanently or temporarily) are not available while that character is not in her real body. For example, while using Possession, a character loses access to merits such as Rugged, Unnatural Adaptation, and Shape of Beast’s Wrath.”

Rarity Merits, Restricted Clan, page 237: Change the last sentence to read: “…would otherwise total more than 6 points of merits.”

Brujah Clan Merits, Scourge of Alecto, page 239: Add “and does not break your Majesty” to the last line of the merit’s description.

Lasombra Merits, Angelic Visage, page 241: Revise to the following: “You gain the Social attribute Appearance or Charisma focus in addition to the normal Social attribute focus selected during character creation.”

Lasombra Merits, Born in Shadow, page 241: Revise the following sentence to the end of the merit’s description: “Alternately, once per turn you may use this merit to increase the radius of your Shroud of Night without spending Blood up to 12 steps (See Chapter Four: Disciplines, Shroud of Night, page 148). Afterwards, you may continue to increase your Shroud of Night, but you must spend blood to do so.”

Cappadocian Clan Merits, Necromantic Insight, page 246: Add the following sentence to the end of the merit’s description: “Members of the Samedi bloodline who purchase this merit may select Mortis Path.”

Morality Merits, Path of Night, page 257: Modify the sentence “…you lose Morality as though you’ve committed a level 1 sin.” to read “…you gain Beast traits as though you’ve committed a level 1 sin.”


Complex Scenarios, Step Three: Order of Action, Surprise Action, page 278: Alter the phrase “…is resolved before else can respond…” to read “…is resolved before anyone else can respond…”

Combat Maneuvers, Grapple, page 280: Add the following text to the end of the description: “With the right equipment or supernatural power, it is possible to Grapple at range, but a Grapple cannot be used as a prerequisite for a supernatural attack unless you Grapple with your hands. For example, you can’t throw a net at someone and then use Cauldron of Blood, because you have not grappled the target with your hands.”

Blood, page 294: Change “Note that the amount of Blood a character can spend per round…” to read “Note that the amount of Blood a character can spend per turn…”

A Ghoul’s Embrace, Step Five: Revise Finishing Touches, page 298: Change “Also, write down your vampire’s total Blood pool, Blood expenditure per round, and…” to read “Also, write down your vampire’s total Blood pool, Blood expenditure per turn, and…”

A Ghoul’s Embrace, Step Six, Example, page 299: Change “…a Blood expenditure per round of 1…” to read “…a Blood expenditure per turn of 1….”




Blood Bond, Third Drink, page 295: Add the following line to the end of the description: “Additionally, the vampire is immune to other blood bonds until her three-point bond drops to a two-point bond or less.”


Setting-Specific Flaws, Forgiven Diablerie, page 405: Add the following line to the end of the flaw’s description: “Members of the Camarilla with this flaw suffer the sect’s Greater Status Ban, but cannot be openly executed, banished, or given negative status for their forgiven diablerie.”


The Vaulderie, Vinculum Ratings, page 434: Add the following text at the end of the first paragraph under System: “False Sabbat who drink but do not contribute blood receive Vinculum ratings to others without those characters developing a Vinculum rating to the false Sabbat member in return. This is an exception to the rule that Vinculum ratings are always mutual.”

The Vaulderie, Vinculum Ratings, page 434: Add the following line after the last bullet point: “Anyone who participates in a Vaulderie automatically has all her blood bonds lowered by one step. This reduction cannot occur more than once per night.”


Methuselah Generation NPCs, page 503: Change the header of the fourth column in the chart at the bottom of the page to read “Blood per Turn” instead of “Blood per Round.”

Werewolf NPCs, page 494: “Werewolves automatically heal 1 point of normal damage per turn.”


Equipment Generation System, Protective Gear, Ballistic, page 519: Alter the description to read: “

Ballistic: This type of protective gear applies a +3 bonus to your defensive test pools when resisting ranged attacks from firearms. Further, it applies a +1 bonus to your defensive test pools when resisting Brawl, Melee, and thrown weapon attacks.”

Equipment Generation System, Protective Gear, Hardened, page 519:Alter the description to read: “Hardened: This type of protective gear applies a +3 bonus to your defensive test pools when resisting Brawl, Melee, and thrown weapon attacks. Further, it applies a +1 bonus to your defensive test pools when resisting firearms attacks.

B, Blood, page 538: Change “Per Round 101” to read “Per Turn 101″