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New and Updated Discipline Rules: Daimonion

Posted by Silja S on 18th Sep 2020

Bring Forth the Plague

Daimonion ●●●●● ●

History is rife with tales of malicious creatures who possessed the power to summon plagues and pestilence. Your dark gods have seen fit to bless you with this ability, enabling you to bring your enemies to their knees by using the maladies that run rampant among the herd. By invoking the power of your demon master, with a single touch you can infect others, exposing them to the true power of your maleficent gods.


Spend 2 Blood and use your standard action to manifest a powerful and deadly plague. If you are not in combat, you must be in physical contact with your target at the time of activation or make physical contact with your victim within the next 5 minutes. Non-combat physical contact with your victim must last 5 seconds; failure to break contact within five seconds inflicts your target with the plague. You may infect any number of targets during the 5-minute period.

If you activate Bring Forth the Plague while you are in combat or if you enter combat within 5 minutes of activating power, you must make physical contact with your target by the end of the next combat turn to infect her with the plague. Individuals that physically attack you through use of the Brawl skill, or who grapple or are grappled by you, are considered to have made contact with you and are affected. Further, if you succeed in striking your victim with a Brawl attack you inflict your normal damage in addition to the effects of this power. Multiple victims may be infected during combat so long as physical contact has been made with the victims prior to the expiration of the activation period.

Victims who meet the physical contact and time requirements as set forth above must resist a virility 20 toxin. However, the plague takes effect at the end of the turn in which the contact was made with the victim rather than in 3 turns. Unlike standard toxins, infected victims who are engaged in combat with you must test again at the end of every turn and victims of your plague who are not in combat with you must test every 2 minutes rather than every 5 minutes. This disease damages all creatures regardless of type, including vampires. For more information on toxins, see MET: VTM, Drugs and Poison: Toxin, page 286. Finally, when you activate this power you may choose one additional quality for your plague from the following list:

  • Infectious - For the duration of the disease the victim cannot use any bonus traits from disciplines or powers.
  • Parasitic - Every failed test to resist the toxin does 2 additional points of damage (or destroys 2 points of Blood if the victim is a vampire).
  • Resistant - The toxicity difficulty is 30 instead of 20.
  • Metabolic - For the duration of the disease the victim’s ability to spend fuel (blood, gnosis, glamour) is reduced by -1 per turn.
  • Contagious - This disease is transferred to additional parties by any physical contact that breaks the skin. For example, a bite or claw attack that does at least 1 point of damage after any damage reduction is applied. You are immune to any effects of this power that originated from you.

Revelry of the Great Beast

Daimonion ●●●●● ●

By speaking in ancient and profane tongues you exude a dark aura of perverse and wicked evil that draws the attention of all who bear witness to your infernal blessing. The power of your infernal connection causes humans to become lost to the sins of Gluttony, Fear, or Rage and causes supernatural entities that behold your depravity to fall to the Revelry of the Great Beast.


To enact Revelry of the Great Beast, spend 1 Blood and a simple action, and choose one of the following emotional states: Gluttonous, Fearful, or Enraged. Everyone who can draw line of sight to you (even if they can not necessarily see you) is affected by this power. Revelry of the Great Beast lasts 15 minutes. Creatures with True Faith are immune to this power. Mortals that can draw line of sight to you immediately respond in the following ways based on your selected emotional state:

  • Gluttonous: Mortals will attempt to satiate an unending hunger. They will feed until they pass out, possibly consuming material that is not considered edible, and they will drink alcohol until they fall unconscious and possibly die.
  • Fearful: Mortals are overcome with fear and panic and will attempt to flee at all costs, stopping only if they are physically prevented from escaping. If someone or something attempts to physically stop a fleeing mortal, the mortal will try with all their might to escape, even injuring themselves by working to break down barriers and other obstacles.
  • Enraged: Overcome with blind rage, mortals begin attacking anything in sight including animals, other humans, and supernatural creatures.

The storyteller is the final arbiter of how mortals react to this power.

Supernatural creatures react in a different manner than mortals. While under the effects of this power, whenever a supernatural creature frenzies they must act according to the chosen emotion regardless of frenzy trigger:

  • Gluttonous: Causes Hunger Frenzy;
  • Fear: Causes Fear Frenzy; and
  • Rage: Causes Rage Frenzy.

In addition, whenever a supernatural that is under the effects of Revelry of the Great Beast attacks you, she must immediately test for frenzy, even if she is not normally susceptible to frenzy. Your attacker must make a frenzy check each time she attacks you until she fails the frenzy test. If your attacker is a vampire, she also gains a beast trait. If she fails the frenzy challenge, she is immediately affected by the above chosen frenzy type and may not attack you as part of her frenzy. If she succeeds in the frenzy challenge, she may resolve her attack on you normally but must test once more if she attacks you again.

Walking Atrocity

Daimonion ●●●●● ●●

You have paid a terrible price for power, and while others may think you a slave to your unholy master, you can lord over all who oppose you. By calling upon your own inhumanity you can become the manifestation of all your evil deeds, causing your Beast and the infernal to join forces.


Once learned, this power is always active. With the exception of the Path of Evil Revelations, for each dot your Morality score that is below 5, you gain a permanent bonus attribute dot in the category of your choice. You do not need to purchase these bonus attribute dots with XP. This power does not allow you to have more than 5 bonus attributes in any category. With the exception of the Path of Evil Revelations, should you somehow improve your Mortality score, even temporarily, you must choose a bonus attribute dot to forfeit. Once chosen, you may not reassign the forfeited bonus dot unless you permanently raise and then permanently lower your Mortality score. If you follow the Path of Evil Revelations, for each dot your Morality score that is above 1 you gain a permanent bonus attribute dot in the category of your choice. You do not need to purchase these bonus attribute dots with XP. This power does not allow you to have more than 5 bonus attributes in any category. Should your Path of Evil Revelations Mortality score decrease, even temporarily, you must choose a bonus attribute dot to forfeit. Once chosen, you may not reassign the forfeited bonus dot unless you permanently raise your Path of Evil Revelations Mortality score.