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Gaia Fiorenza on "How the World of Darkness has been a Source of Light"

Gaia Fiorenza on "How the World of Darkness has been a Source of Light"

Posted by Gaia Fiorenza on 3rd Jun 2022

"I starkly remember a user's words in the World of Darkness discord community. About how, no matter whether a company really meant it or was simply trying to appear respectable, it felt and was safer to know that its official channels cared to support and protect its lgbtq+ members. And moreover, about how it reassured them to realise that the care is genuine. As a moderator of that community, who is part of the effort to provide that protection and support, that means something to me.

The vampire, and the creatures of horror, have long embodied otherness, and sometimes its threat. It means something to me that queer people can walk within the World of Darkness and can say this is me and not encounter resistance. More so, be welcomed. Step into the role and, instead of it becoming a mark of exclusion, answer to the accusation of being these creatures differently. Answer instead: well, perhaps I am. So what?" 
