MET Dyscrasia Deck
A beautifully illustrated Dyscardia deck of cards to make your larping easier and more enjoyable!
25 beautiful and helpful cards set to help your storyteller and players quickly accomplish their...

MET Clans & Status Deck
The MET Clans Deck contains reference material for the Clan Banes and compulsions, as well as our Vampire Society materials.
The deck includes15 Clan cards (All 13 clans + Salubri and Caitiff)16...

MET Blood Magic Deck
Blood Magic (60+ cards)Blood SorceryOblivionThin Blood AlchemyRituals and Ceremonies
Card sized: 2.75"x4.75" (larger then your average playing card)(Mockup is a prototype image)

MET Powers of the Blood Deck
The MET Discipline Decks contains reference material for Chapter 8: Powers of the BloodPlayers can carry a card for each discipline their character possesses, making it easier to access available...