Dyscrasia Deck PDF (Free to Print)
A PDF with 25 high resolution images of various Dyscrasia for use in your game! Want to have a nicely printed on card stock version? It is available in single packs (delivering in...

MET Blood Magic Deck
Blood Magic (60+ cards)Blood SorceryOblivionThin Blood AlchemyRituals and Ceremonies
Card sized: 2.75"x4.75" (larger then your average playing card)(Mockup is a prototype image)

MET Powers of the Blood Deck
The MET Discipline Decks contains reference material for Chapter 8: Powers of the BloodPlayers can carry a card for each discipline their character possesses, making it easier to access available...

MET Clans & Status Deck
The MET Clans Deck contains reference material for the Clan Banes and compulsions, as well as our Vampire Society materials.
The deck includes15 Clan cards (All 13 clans + Salubri and Caitiff)16...