16 Clan and Sect wax seals
A collection of all our wax seals we still have- seals only, no stamp or wax- over 20% off!Includes stamps for Sabbat and Anarch sects and 14 clans: Hecata, Nosferatu, Malkavian, Toreador, Ventrue,...

Wax seal with Camarilla stamp
Beautiful box set including stamp holder, Camarilla seal and red sealing wax.You can purchase individual seals for the sects and clans here:Individual Clan and Sect seals

MET Clans & Status Deck
The MET Clans Deck contains reference material for the Clan Banes and compulsions, as well as our Vampire Society materials.
The deck includes15 Clan cards (All 13 clans + Salubri and Caitiff)16...