Laws of the Night Chapter 6 Preview

Laws of the Night Celerity Preview

Laws of the Night Horrid Form Preview

Laws of the Night Character sheet
This is a preview of chapters 4 (Core Systems) and chapter 5 (Dramatic Systems).
64 pages of text to get your fangs in! You can learn more about Laws of the Night, and back our crowdfunding campaign here!
This is a plain text PDF and has not gone through layout yet, but the text is fully approved!
This innovative release seamlessly aligns the setting of Mind's Eye Theatre live-action roleplaying with Vampire 5th Edition. Our crowdfunding campaign offers three enticing options: a convenient PDF version, a portable soft-cover "pocket edition," and a stunning full-color hardcover "Deluxe" edition. Join us in embracing the next evolution of immersive vampire roleplaying.